Who I Am

Creative lifelong learner with a
proven track record of technology driven innovation.

After spending nearly a decade creating and presenting technology focused educational content I fell in love with programming. Programming offers me a constant supply of unique challenges and endless opportunities to collaborate with innovative teams to solve complex problems.

Skills and Values

I do my best work when I can align my personal values with an organization's core values.

    Constant improvement is essential to personal growth.
    HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Servlets, JSP, Spring Web MVC, Tomcat
    Relationships must be built on clearly defined channels of communication.
    JDBC, table design and creation, SQL queries and DML, PostgreSQL, E/R diagrams
    Collaborative work yields exceptional results when teams trust, collaborate, and hold each other accountable.
    Agile, unit testing (JUnit), integration testing, TDD, unix command line navigation, Git, Eclipse
    Passion gives the work you do meaning. Life is too short to do work that doesn’t spark joy.

A Few Accomplishments

I enrolled at Tech Elevator to sharpen my skills and build new programming knowledge. These are some of my favorite projects I’ve completed so far. The code for each project is avaliable on my Github.

Vending Machine Software

With a pair programming partner over the course of four days I developed a command line interface vending machine in Java using test driven development. It loads inventory from a csv file and writes a sales log to txt file. Unit Tested. Click the image to check out the code!

National Parks Campsite Reservation Software

With a partner over the course of 4 days I developed command line interface software to reserve national parks campsites in Java. Implements JDBC with PostgreSQL to write user input to database. Integration and unit tested. Click the image to check out the code!

National Parks Weather Service Web Application

Provided wireframes and a user story I developed a dynamic web application to display National Parks information with a partner over the course of 3 days. Users can select a park for detailed information including a weather forecast and the ability to take a daily survey. Technologies used include Java, Spring Web MVC, Tomcat, JSTL, JSP EL, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS, JUnit, Selenium, and Cucumber. Click the image to check out the code!

Contact Me

Like what you see? I’m currently looking for new opportunities. Use the form below to contact me, I’d love to chat about how we could work together!